jeudi, avril 26, 2018

Home made laundry detergent

I made my first bottle of laundry detergent. It was really easy and I had already washed 4 loads of clothes with this detergent. The clothes were cleaned and I am satisfied with my product.

It is really easy to make the detergent. 
Heat up 1L of water.
Mix in 50 gram of grated savon de Marseille (at least 70% pure without glycerin).
Add in 3 spoons of sodium bicarbonate and 30 drops of essential oil.
I chose tea tree oil as it smells good and is antiseptic and antibacterial.

Mix the mixture well and when it has cool down, pour the detergent into a bottle.

The mixture hardens slightly once it has cooled down and I have to give the bottle a good shake to pour out the detergent at each use. Other than that, I have no complains about this chemical free and cheap detergent.

I no longer have to buy detergent. Anyone up for the game to try it?

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