I had my third offical ultrasound scan last friday. This scan was to check the position of the baby and his measurements in order to determine if he would be a big or small baby at term.
Comparing with baby A's statistics at his third scan, baby A's brother was growing at the same rate as him. Everything about him was in the norm. His head circumference was however in the higher percentile. Baby A's head circumference was 36cm at birth. The delivery was not easy.
The sonographer explained that this could be due to genetics. She then took out a measuring tape and measured our heads. She took out her charts and confirmed that we were both in the 97th percentile. Seb and I both had big heads. It was not that obvious to the naked eyes and since we hardly bought hats, we never checked on the measurements.
Many months ago, I bought a cap size 12months from Petit Bateau for baby A. When he was a year old, I tried the cap on him. It was too small. I thought then that Petit Bateau had made a mistake in its label. Well, now I know better.
If you are interested to know if you have big heads, here's a link with the chart.
In the scan report, the sonographer added "head circumference: contexte familial".
I never thought that big heads could have bother me so much. I would prefer to have bigger feet so that it is easy for me to buy shoes!
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