jeudi, septembre 18, 2014

Activties for this year

After two months of summer holiday, the start of the school term also means the start of after school activities. 

Last year, the boys joined kids' gym every tuesday after school. On top of that, A1 had tennis on wed morning. They also had chinese lesson on sunday afternoon.

This year, we scrapped chinese lesson. It was not useful for the boys and I was disappointed with the program.

A2 wants to be at the kids' gym on tuesday so the boys would continue that. He would join A1 for tennis lesson too though not in the same lesson. And on wed afternoon, there is karate. 

Karate started two weeks ago. The boys had fun. With school on wed morning and birthday celebrations in the afternoon, by the time the boys reached karate lesson, they were exhausted. A2 slept in the car yesterday on the way there and he missed his lesson.

We just received the schedule for the tennis lesson. A1's would be on wed at 2pm and A2's on Saturday at 11am. We are going to request for A1's to be on saturday too. I would like the boys to catch a nap before karate lesson on wed. I do not want to rush around bringing and fetching the boys for their activities.

As for wed nap, it is complicated this month. They had been invited to four birthdays since school started and three were on wed afternoons. August and September birthday kids are having their birthday party now that school starts and they can invite their friends.

Speaking of which, I am preparing for A2's birthday party. We are reasonable this time. He is inviting six friends over. Seb and I should be able to handle eight kids.

As for myself, I shall continue with gym STEP. I also start to take piano lesson from a neighbour. I stopped my lessons when I had A1. I would like to brush up my skill. Today was my first lesson and my teacher said I had potential. That word is so french. I shall take that as a compliment.

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