samedi, octobre 11, 2014

Zoo et parc de Thoiry

The zoo of Thoiry again. The boys visited Thoiry organised by the Centre de loisirs (Recreation center) in June. That was the first time A2 visitied the zoo and the boys enjoyed the trip.

We had tickets from Seb's company and as the cold days were coming and the zoo would be closed in mid autum, we visited the zoo last Saturday.

It was a sunny day and we packed picnic lunch. This was my second visit and the animals were closer to the car than the previous time. The zebras especially were walking from car to car (in search of food). The boys and Seb got to touch the zebra while I was snapping away.

This visit revived the boys' minds of what they saw during their last visit and they were telling us excitingly about it. 

After the safari, we walked through the zoo. As the boys were older, we were able to visit more animals. A1 stopped by to play a while in the playground. A2 preferred to go to the animal farm to pet and feed goats. He loved animals.

Here are a few more photos of the safari.
The rhinocero did not want to face us. 
The hippopotamus preferred to stay in the cool water. We waited a while to have a peek of their heads.

There are many zoos in France. We shall aim to visit others. 

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