Baby A2 is starting to crawl and like his brother, he does it backwards for a start. He is such an active boy that it is time to set up the playpen. Toddler A1 was so excited when he saw it that he wanted to get in too.
The 2 boys even played togather in the playpen. We can work in the kitchen at peace now knowing that the 2 are confined in the playpen. Had we known that toddler A1 would like it so much, we would never had kept it when he started to walk. (We wanted to make space for him in the living room.)
Baby A2 is teething and the 2 front lower teeth had cut out. He is eating well on fruits and vegetables. He has not tried meat yet. The only complain I have is that he sleeps so little. He hardly naps.
Toddler A1 is growing fine too. Brought him for his 2 year old checkup and pediatre asked him to name the animals in the book. He could not since he was not speaking much yet. He could make sounds of animals though. Upon the pediatre's instruction, I asked toddler A1 to fetch a toy from the table and he did as told. The pediatre understood that he was learning 3 languages which might explain the slowness in speech. However, she still prescribed an audio examination for toddler A1. Huh? She is just a procedure base person. I realised that many medicial staff gave extra examinations over here. Either they are over precaution, or they are just protecting themselves from mis-diagnosis. Anyway, most examinations are paid partially by social security and the rest top up by mutuelle. Still, sometimes, it takes up a lot of our engergy and time. We shall wait and see for toddler A1.
Couple Watch
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